Saturday, 17 December 2011

Christmas time, mistletoe and non-alcoholic beverages...

It's Christmas, and yet I don't feel very Christmassy. Hmm. Now why on earth could that be? Could it be the gazillion times I've sung carols since the beginning of December? Could it be that Googlemail has decided to fail on me and now only works by laptop (rather than mobile)? Could it be that posting this is flouting my rules of holiday revision (revise for your January science exams between three and four, you lazy cow)? Possibly. But I think it's more likely because I haven't read any nice Christmas tales.
 Which is why I'm starting up EatMyBook's first ever competition -- a Christmas one!
You got a short story you want to tell the world? Is it Christmas related, and therefore irrelevant for most of the time?
Send it in!
The only conditions are that it's suitable for a 15 year old to read and that it's original. The winner gets their story posted on my blog, PLUS my unending gratitude that one of my millions of fans is actually out there and good at writing Christmas tales.
To enter, just end a tweet with the hashtag #charlieeatmyxmastale and I'll send you my email address so you can send me your story. If you don't have Twitter, post a comment below and I'll work something techy out.
Merry Christmas! Fellow seasonal writer out!

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