Saturday 27 August 2011

First review! The Game, Heather Killough-Walden

Blurb from the Kindle store: 'Victor Black, leader of the Gray Team, is tall, dark-haired, green-eyed and can shatter solid metal with no more than a thought. He is a man accustomed to getting what he wants, because, in the end, he can simply take it. And what he wants, more than anything else in the world, is Victoria Red, leader of the Red Team. However, Maxwell Blood wants her too, and as captain of the Red Team, he is in a position to get closer to her than Victor can. Blood is not all he seems -- and he is not without considerable power of his own. Their story starts with Black's dark proposal, Victoria's refusal, and Max's anger. A hard, unfair seduction follows, and wages a battle between powerful players in an endless, remorseless Game.' (No copyright  infringement intended)         

I gave this 5 stars on my Kindle. It was awesome. It is the first book by Heather Killough-Walden that I've read, and from how much I enjoyed this book, I should read more.
 Victoria doesn't sound like my favourite kind of heroine, all hard and in control, but actually, she's the exact opposite. Victoria is written as a beautiful woman who never had the chance to grow up properly. She's vulnerable, but not whiny, and she is hard-ass... but only in front of her team. Victoria Red is one of the most lovable characters I've read about for a long time.
 Victor...hmm...again, amazingly written. He feels so real when you read about him...and this is where I'm gonna issue a warning: NOT for younger readers! In fact, this is for adults more than teens (which I assume it was marketed at since my mum bought it). Just Victor himself makes this book a 15 rating, and then with certain scenes, it jumps up to an 18 rating. But holy paper, batman, Victor is hot!
 Ahem. Breathe. So. The plot is subtle, and almost feels like a secondary thing. If you write down the plot, well, not much happens. And yet, the whole thing feels super-fast paced. If that makes sense.
The whole novel was unputdownable, honest to goodness. I read for most of the day, even reading through the breaks in Angel and Buffy The Vampire Slayer to finish it. I know, sacrilege, right?
 For those of you (if there's anybody out there) who skip to the end of reviews, here's the lowdown. Don't read if you're a teen or younger, the whole thing was great, five stars, I recommend it, all that sort of stuff, and if you read for the sexy/dangerous love interests, you just HAVE to go read this, like, pronto.
Book reviewer out!

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